I began creating fiber art about 10 years ago, introduced to me by a friend. At first it seemed impossible to create sculpture out of wool, but I jumped at the chance. Needle Felting is exactly like it sounds, you have very sharp barbed needles and you stab and pull the wool, which condenses it into shapes.
After having great success home, I went on to teach it at night school, and the adults that “got it” got it good and were very successful. Ends up it’s good meditative therapy too.
Mr. Albert was my very first Needle Felt project. Mr.Albert Part of the Enchanted Forest Series. Mr Albert is the time keeper of Hamlet of Linwood, and the Enchanted Forest. He monitors and corrects any watches and clocks that may not be tick-tocking in rhythm. The clocks do not necessarily have to be on time, they just have to tick-tock. His large ears can hear any clocks which are off-kilter. He is the great descendant of the White Rabbit that lived in Wonderland
Mr.Albert Part 2- The original Mr. Albert got chewed by Brixton the doberman, and repairs had to be made. I remade his coat and re-felted most of his body. Albert is made from Merino wool from Ireland. His coat I created from felt. In a strange twist of fate, Albert was in a very bad fire, and oddly survived with burnt ears. He will once again be repaired.
Elliott Sherfox-.Detective of The Woodland. Protects and investigates the happenings in the hamlet of Linwood. Keeps law and order and all the critters of the Enchanted Forest safe. Pipe made from sculpt clay, and baked in the toaster oven.
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